Refund Policy
Refund Policy
TheBunBunShop is obligated by law to offer a full product refund for orders for up to 14 days after the customer has received them.
Please read up on our Right of Withdrawal for more information and reach out to directly to start the refund process.
- If you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact us within 14 days of receiving the products for a refund, return and exchange.
- Refund, return and exchange items must be in original & unused/undamaged condition with original packaging and/or tags. Return items that do not meet these qualifications will not be accepted.
- A refund will only be given after the items have been returned to us, TheBunBunShop, and have been checked for their condition.
- We do not cover the shipping costs for return items nor do we refund shipping costs for orders that were processed and shipped correctly by TheBunBunShop.
- Customers who need an item refunded/returned or exchanged must produce a valid tracking number to us, TheBunBunShop, to verify that the package has been turned over to the post office.
- If damage occurred during shipping please contact us immediately! Please provide photo evidence of the item and package and your post office contact information. We will gladly replace the damaged item free of charge.
Please note that TheBunBunShop reserves the right to blacklist customers from further shopping with us in the future, if multiple refunds have been made over a short period of time.
Since we are a small business and not a big corporation, every refund does greatly impact our business. It also actively cost us money in transaction- and exchange fees to fully refund your order. To minimize these issues from occurring, we won’t be doing business with customers who treat us like a fast fashion site or Amazon. We care about the environmental impact and energy that is wasted by frequent returns or exchanges.
Blacklisting may occurs if:
- Multiple refunds for multiple separate orders have been instigated by you, the customer, in a short period of time, without any given reason.
- If you, the customer, start the chargeback process through your financial institution, the bank, without any prior written notice to us, TheBunBunShop, via our contact form or email.
- If you, the customer, does not do your due diligence of staying informed of our pre-order terms, pre-order timelines, item descriptions and shipping times, ahead of purchase and instigate a chargeback under the guides of not being informed by us.
- If you, the customer, instigate a chargeback after having receives your tracking number, without contacting us, TheBunBunShop, via our contact form or email, first. We consider these chargebacks fraudulent and will provide all necessary documentation to your financial institution to fight these claims.